解決 Azure Service Bus 的 Message Batch 錯誤

June 27, 2024

同一個訊息批次 (Message Batch) 物件被 SendMessagesAsync 多次呼叫,可能會導致錯誤,以下列出解決方法。


如果 EventDataBatch.TryAdd 發生 System.InvalidOperationException 錯誤:

System.InvalidOperationException: The message batch is currently being used in communication with the Service Bus service; messages may not be added until the active operation is complete.

這段訊息除了表示批次過大的問題外,也可能是表示一個暫時性的問題,例如在該批次傳送完成後再次重新傳送;也可能是多次在同一個訊息批次發布和改變內容,例如發生了競逐狀態 (Race condition),這通常是無意間造成的。


試著避免在同一個訊息批次內呼叫多次 SendMessagesAsync  方法。


  1. 批次內的訊息大小不能過大。
  2. 傳送訊息批次後,要將 sender 和 client 釋放 (Dispose),確保清空資源。
// create a batch 
using ServiceBusMessageBatch messageBatch = await sender.CreateMessageBatchAsync();

for (int i = 1; i <= numOfMessages; i++)
    // try adding a message to the batch
    if (!messageBatch.TryAddMessage(new ServiceBusMessage($"Message {i}")))
        // if it is too large for the batch
        throw new Exception($"The message {i} is too large to fit in the batch.");

    // Use the producer client to send the batch of messages to the Service Bus queue
    await sender.SendMessagesAsync(messageBatch);
    Console.WriteLine($"A batch of {numOfMessages} messages has been published to the queue.");
    // Calling DisposeAsync on client types is required to ensure that network
    // resources and other unmanaged objects are properly cleaned up.
    await sender.DisposeAsync();
    await client.DisposeAsync();

Console.WriteLine("Press any key to end the application");
